Dear Ask The Black Man,
I have been dating this guy for a while and we get along really well. We recently just started having sex. I really enjoy it but I am not sure I am pleasing him. A few times he has been in bed after he "climaxed" and he is still fully erect and then got up and said he had to go to the bathroom and was in there for a while. My gut feeling is that he was in there "finishing off the job". I never thought about it before but is it possible for men to fake orgasms?
The Black Man:
Hi Suzanne,
Yes, it is possible for men to fake orgasms. I am not sure in this case if he is doing that or not but it is possible. Just how some men may not please a woman in bed, the same goes for women not pleasing men in the bedroom at times.
The best thing you can do is just ask him if he had an orgasm or not. If he did not reach an orgasm then ask him what he likes and does not like in bed. It's not the end of the world. You guys just started having sex so it may take time for you to click together.
Communication is the best solution.
I hope this advice helps.
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