Friday, July 22, 2011

How to Get Muscles: 8 Tips Every Hardgainer Must Apply

If your primary goal for weight training is to get muscles, you need to know the basic principles of building muscle mass. Three key areas you need to master are Nutrition, Weight Training and Recovery, but here I'll focus on how to get muscles through proper weight training technique.

Regardless of how you structure your muscle training routines, you must apply these 8 weight training principles if you really want to get maximum muscle growth. There are no shortcuts - fail in one area and you seriously decrease your chances to get big muscles.

How to Get Muscles Tip #1: Warm Up!
Warming up is very important because it makes you less prone to injury. There's nothing more frustrating than making significant muscle gain only to suddenly be unable to train for weeks just because you pulled a muscle!

You can warm up by doing 5 to 10 minutes of cardio, lifting lighter weights (about 50% to 60% of your normal load) for 1 to 2 sets prior to your actual weight training program, and then giving each muscle group a good stretch. I found that stretching in between sets and after my work out too really helps speed up my recovery time.

How to Get Muscles Tip #2: Proper Form
Lifting heavier weights doesn't equate to getting bigger muscles. What really counts is not the load per se, but the quality of muscle stimulation you get.

It's a common mistake to lift "too much" weight. A weight is too heavy for you if you need to use momentum to finish a whole set. Using momentum doesn't target the muscles so you don't get any benefits. In other words, your muscles will never grow..


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